if I ever meet my 5-year-old self,
I would wish to tell her all the things that I hope to tell my future daughter someday...If I could go back in time, I’d tell my mini myself
- You are beautiful. Never let anyone tell u otherwise.Stop putting your sense of worth into the hands of people who don’t understand your value. I know those burgeoning waistline, the cellulite, your unruly hair and the fact that you’ve never felt quite right in your skin, bothers you..but you don’t have to fit a certain stereotype to celebrate yourself. So go ahead n devour the last spoon of your chocolate icecream as it’s gonna melt all your woes.
- you aren’t invincible but Gosh! U r strong. You won’t realize it now but later in the coming years you will appreciate the woman you would turn out to be and you will learn to keep your head high(heels higher) during the testing times.
- People will try to push you into boxes. You will come across zillions of naysayers in your life and then there would be the ones who would push you to fit the stereotypes ...break those boxes. Break those stereotypes Break them down and create your own. You can be whatever you want to be..you can be the princess in distress, the graceful queen but never stop being the warrior, that you are
- It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be weird. It’s okay to be silly or crazy or ridiculous. It’s okay to laugh out loud and it’s okay to cry in public, even when there’s no reason. It’s okay if you don’t know how to fit in. The people who matter will love you through your eccentricities.
- Always keep this 5 year old curious kid alive in you.don’t rush to grow up to be able to buy the lacy delicates from VS or those glittery stilettos...it’s a crazy world out there...never stop being the crazy kid that you are. Love with all you got, don’t let your passion for life burn out as you walk ahead and never stop yourself from stepping into the rain to jump over the puddles.Observe life with a pair of rose tinted glasses and value every little gifts of nature.
- As you grow up, you will fall in love, you will meet many people,some who would make your heart flutter, some who would break your fragile heart, some who would move a mountain to piece you together, some who would make you question your worth...but darling! Those momentary bouts of disappointments and self doubts would wash away the day you start believing in yourself.You don’t need a prince to save you from the dungeon,because you are your own prince in shinning armor (or shining piece of Tiffany maybe ) because you worth much more than what you think you are.....so shun those temporary people and never stop believing in miracles and love...and start by loving yourself to bits, because you deserve it.i promise you that you do.
So today I want you to know that I love you and wish I had said this to you earlier